Better to write for yourself and have no public,
than to write for the public and have no self
-Cyril Connolly-

Friday, April 13, 2012

Im a teacher, thats y.

kecewa dengan diri sendiri. 
Mudah sangat maafkan orang.

Serius ape motif dia buat come back?
Takde orang alu-alukan pun.

Tapi terima kasih la sebab bagi peluang nak berterus-terang.
Tapi tak boleh buat ape-ape la kalau orang tu tak dapat terima.
Janji aku dah honest.

Walaupun aku da maafkan orang,
tapi kalau orang tu tak reflect,
siap tak sedar-sedar salah dia,
siap tak tahu ape salah dia,
siap take advantage dengan orang.
****** tahu.

that is y i said u better off with some other girl.
sbb u will never understand.
Dari segi percakapan pun aku da tahu
kau ni sblum bcakap tak fikir jauh mana pun.

Know how i know?
Cuz saya berdepan, handle, at least 20 orang a day.
Yang suka membuat pelbagai alasan.

Tapi at least,
after they made me mad, they'll apologize.
Unlike you.
And they don't play with people hearts.
Unlike you.
They'll admit if they found out cheating.
Unlike you. 

So please,
Dun bluff.

2 chiLLin':

Mirashada said...

woah, it seems like a serious matter. Not worth dealing with people who don't care so stay strong girl :)

jemput singgah baca new entri,, thank u

Belog Atas Empat said...

haha. yeah. it is serious matter and im tired already.
Well, what to do.. dunia ni penuh warna-warni.. =)

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