10 Things about Me
I am freakin' bored with such questions. Aiyoo why i even bothered to play this game in the beginning? Bluerggghhh
- I am..... Me. Myself and I. And that is something you can never be. I've been reminding myself for a while now.
- Recently i love keeping myself company. Lepak at mamak restaurant with me and myself. Oh no. Am I anti-socialised now??
- No one can force me in food. If i don't like it. I won't eat it. No one can make me eat food i don't like.
- I don't feel like marrying. But i do feels like having a baby. Sometimes.
- I am super hard to get mad. But once i am, sorry sorry songs won't work anymore.
- Freaking easy to make me laugh. At least smile. Damn. Need to cramp my face muscle.
- Who says i don't have heels? I have 2 5 inches heels, a pair of platform and a pair of spike. And guess what? I still don't know why i even bought it. Mati tergolek juga aku nanti.
- Even though i have heels, but i am a die-hard fan of sneakers. Urghhh if only i can wear sneakers to work. No more back pain. haha.
- I love to sleep. A lot. Doesn't matter if i skip meals. But i can't sacrifice my bedtime. Zzzzzz~
- Let me tell you something. Even though i hang around and join guys activities a lot, but i still a girl and don't forget that. Baka.
Urggghh.. and nowadays my students keep asking me.. Teacher, let's play futsal dis saturday? Teacher, lets go ice-skating? Teacher, lets make a trip to slim river? Play water-rafting??
Hell. Terlebih sudah mereka ini.

0 chiLLin':
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