But, recently. Yup recent okay. While i was blogwalking, accidently i found 'the blog'. Its not the choosen one. I called it 'the blog' coz it is hers. Who? Hers la.. Its not big deal if u she has blog. What pissed me off, she has 360 degrees of misunderstanding and perasan sendiri okay!!!. OMG never met a girl that perasan macam tu sekali. Kenapa nak tulis kat blog? Tanya direct kan boleh.. Tak pun passed kat member. Since we not really know each other. Ok. Nak buat surat? Even though not my style, but bring it onnn!!!
Hey i stumbled on ur very lovely blog that day. Very unearthly mesmerizing. Yup. Your stories. I dont know how u came out with that thought of urs. Lets begin with the fb story shall we? U said im stalking u? Do u even know what stalking means? Sila rujuk kamus. U the one who friend requested me and im the one who stalking u? Which korean drama were u refering to? Bullshit mannn.. Then, u said im blaming u? Derrr... i dont even know u. And i dont post any post related to u pownn.. and im 100% confident!! Eh? how do u know if i did post anything about u on MY wall? Hooooooooo s.t.a.l.k.e.r.!! Let me tell u i did not post something like that on my wall. I dare u. Check.it.back. Oh I forgot. Maybe since u are Law student. So u might be interpreted my words into your words and teeeeet! who knows whats going on in that brain of yours. You know, u r such a drama. Its up to u wanna put urself as a victim. If u want to put me as a bad guy, like i give a damn. Three words for u; I don't care. Tapi apa yang buat saya terkilan, kenapa tak tanye direct? kenapa tak luahkan ketidakpuasan ati anda terus kepada saya? Haiihhh...
Your Gracefully,
The bad party.
ps: really do hope she found this so-called letter.

0 chiLLin':
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