This time. A pretty proper job. I called it proper cuz its 9 to 5 job! hahaha. Finally. Duh. This time i am selected to be one of tourism lecturer in tourism academy. Which of course, tourism subjects.
Where? World-point Academy of Tourism. Ever heard about it? No. Never. Who are the students? Chinese. And international students. Geez. Haha. Huge stake of gambling dude..
Whatever. So, i'll be staying in Gombak. One of my aunt's house. Then i'll try to find room or house to rent nearby.
Damn. I'll be missing Shah Alam.

6 chiLLin':
Tahniah Miss...
Thanks sir-to-be.;)
chukka ea~ jgn lupa belanja saya mkn nnti. HOHO XD
kamsahamnida *main bantai* yelah. opkos babe. as long as bkn tket flight.. tket bot boleh. hehe
hoi aku mabok laut lah. tiket bas okey? jom pegi genting :D
haha tau. dats y la aku boleh sponsor tket bot je kat kau.. hahahaha.
genting?? jom3 kita pesta tk berapa nak jinak kat sana!!
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