Better to write for yourself and have no public,
than to write for the public and have no self
-Cyril Connolly-

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I don't read. But i feel like reading..

Satu hari ni rasa miserable.. I mean semalam since sekarang dah masuk 27th. Tak tahu nak buat ape. I moved my room 2 days ago. My mom told me to. Adik nak. Cheh. Mannn, i love that room, kay. Surrounded by books. Literally. Just a corner actually. Books. Peace. Even though i hardly read. But sometimes i do read.

And last night i went to her room. Unconsciously *nahhhhh*. Wanted to read something. Then i saw a book. Beside her bed. No, a novel? A thick Malay lovey dovey novel?? My hand reached for it. 'Ad + Iz'. Hah? Okay what a weird title. Might be interesting. I thought. The last time and the only malay lovey dovey kinda novel i ever read was Ramlee Awang Murshid's Bagaikan Puteri.  Itupun kene pushed by friends. And tak rugi cuz its freakingly interesting. And breathtaking. So i was thinking of giving myself another chance.


After a page. No, a paragraph. A short one. Me like, whatafishcake! How this can be a novel?? Argghhh!! Freaking me back of touching those novels again. *no offence*. You are gonna be a dead fish u kiddo.. Lucky she,not in front of me back then. Seriously i could not stand the words. The language they use. Call me old fashion. But i prefer a deeper, literature kind of words. Even though i don't speak literature. If i want to read such pasar kind of words, i better off with comics. I would not waste my time reading such pasar words in dictionary-thick novels. Oh and if you insist on reading on such novels, please go for Ramlee Awang Murshid or Hlovate would be okay too. Oh not to forget, Faisal Tehrani. *Thumbs up!!*

Then i continue to search the dem lucky books to read. I went to my older sis, Didie's shelves. Oh yeah full of literature. She is kipas-susah-mati Jane Austen. Who?. Never mind. I let my fingers run through the shelves, relying on my instinct where will it stop. All the books were bought during her 5 years as Kelantanese. Haha. Boleh pulak. Then my index finger stops at a paper back, red-blood in colour, smaller but really thick novel. Uhh.. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke. O-okay.

"Extraordinary...If Harry Porter is the kind of book that makes you want to be a kid again, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell is the kind of novel that will remind you that being adult should be a whole lot more fun." - Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

That sounds interesting.. And the first three pages are full of praises for the novel! Convincing enough for me..
And so, i will try me best to finish reading the book. The whole 800 pages. Dem.. Oh lucky ada electronic dictionary. Heheheee..

Baru baca sampai page 20 okay. Hoho lembab tak lembab kann..

ps: Sudah sampai Bulan Membaca kah? Cuz i feel like reading so damn mucho.


0 chiLLin':

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