Better to write for yourself and have no public,
than to write for the public and have no self
-Cyril Connolly-

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tak suka. Ada faham?

I hardly tell others including my own family things i dislike. Why? Cuz its annoys me enough to say it. Plus, the words 'i don't like' itself i don't prefer to use. Same goes to 'like'. Tak suka. Suka. Such a strong words. Use it wisely. Get it?
"Don't annoys me u fag!", says kitty.

I dislike many things.I just couldn't bring myself to say it out loud. But its making me hard to breath. Ahhh sesak nafas.. Hah. Can i just write it here, Mr Google? Whatever u say.. i don't care. Hahahaha..

Laksa Penang
Mee Bandung
Kentang *i mean the flabby ones.. eiyuu*
Apam balik 
Masakan Kicap
Steam Boat
Soto *except time demam*
Ikan pari

Crawling and slimy ones *my biggest weaknesses shhhh~*
Being in the center of attraction *main jauh-jauh puhleaseeee....*
Bermuda shorts, Jamaica shorts or whatever you call them. *huh such a turn off*
Tobacco, alcohol, drugs *who likes them anyway*

Sekian. Those are one ugly part of me. Baru sikit je ni. I can be uglier than this. But I can't hate myself, can i?


0 chiLLin':

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