Better to write for yourself and have no public,
than to write for the public and have no self
-Cyril Connolly-

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jiko Shoukai.. Erk?!

Numbers of interviews i have been to. Macam-macam ragam ade. But what can i say, generally they just want to see if you can get along with the present-staffs. So, chill out. Not too stern. Or not stern at all. In other words, pandai-pandai bawa diri la. Too me, anywhat, anyhow questions, or test they will give out, honesty is the most important. If you think you can't do it, or not sure, maybe... tell it straight to their face. Oh don't forget to smile. Even though you are going to say stupid things (selalu berlaku). Heeee :D

Yesterday, i got a phone call from the last interview session,.. Uh. The least expected to be excepted as their family duh. Why? Cuz, i seriously couldn't satisfy him at all. Aahh malu okay bile fikir balik huhu. Serious malu. Bertambah-tambah segan, the one who supposed to be the interviewer was busy melayan client, then the big boss himself interviewed me. Firstly, macam biasa la dia cerita pasal company dia. Then, dia tanya pasal past experiences. Oh and suddenly dia pun pernah kerja dengan the same company i worked before. So, tiba-tiba terpesong eh.

Dah puas cerita bagai-bagai, then tiba-tiba dia cakap; Jiko shoukai. Ah! Ha? Okay totally blur. Jiko shoukai means introduce yourself. Oh sheyt.. (sangat berharap dia tak perasan saya swear). Wahaha serious wa tak leh jawab. Nak di bandingkan dia study Japan 2 tahun. Memang tak boleh la kan.. So wa bantai, Sumimasen desu. Watashi wa nihonggo ga hanasu dekimasen. Serious tak tahu la kut susunan betul ke tak. Tapi maksud wa Im sorry, i can not speak japanese. Serious rase nak semunyik bawah meja dan dan tu juga. Ku gagahkan juga pandang direct mata dia (eye contact itu penting ya!).. Expecting him to laugh. Dalam hati, gelak la kau, memang hancuss siak aku...  Instead, he smiled. Ape maksud, aku tak tahu. Then dia meraba cari pen. Pen ni tak lawa la, tak best la, kaler boring la.. Apehal ngan dia pun aku tak tahu. Then atas resume aku, dia tulis nama aku dalam katakana. Aku pulak dengan bangang nye pergi tanya, 'eh? Katakana? Kenapa? Hitagana la comel.' He replied; 'Nama khas kan..'  Haihh serius la kau. Ape kau tak tau ke tu Nadiah? Bodoh giler la soalan kau. Comel? Kau ingat kau budak kecik ke??

Then, so-called interview continues dengan cerita dia dengan ex-girlfriend dia sewaktu belajar kat Japan dulu. Dia cerita la macamana dia selalu gaduh dengan exgf dalam bahasa jepun. Even depan mak bapak sekalian. Muka rileks je tapi gaduh bukan main hebat. Kesian parents tak tahu, tak paham ape yang sedang berlaku. Rase macam boleh bayang kut. Hahaha Kelakar okey.. Cerita punye cerita, memang dah lari tajuk duh, sampai 1 jam aku dok dalam opis tu.

Berakhir dengan mood happy sebab kelakar la dia. Friendly *bagi aku tak kene tempat sebab senang nye dia cerita hal dia kat orang lain*. Mungkin icebreaking kut..*be positive*.. Tapi memang terkilan sebab tak dapat nak bagi jawapan yang diharapkan. Malu. Sangat.

Dan semalam. Mereka call. Job briefing next week. But unfortunately, i turned it down.

Unexplained reasons. 


ps: Wordings kecil represents my inner thoughts. (^o^)y

0 chiLLin':

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