What friends? Which friend? All of them?
Generally, they are fine.. No, great! Without them i really don't know what or who will i be. I used to be a little kid with a 'great wall' around me, prevents me from getting hurts by others. Thus, i pushed other people from getting close to me. Or rather, backed away from them.
Then, i met one by one, by one, homo sapiens i called friends as they able to pull me away from my cave. And by the time i realised, there is none evidence of the 'great wall' existence. They don't even give me chances to look back to the previous me.
But, the only thing i hardly change is my ego level. Pretty high, i guess. I am no good at expressing myself using words. Like normally people would do. I wish i can do it like others. I? On the other hands, words that came out from this filthy mouth would be a completely 360 degrees from what i actually wanted to say. The tones. *sigh*. I do regret it almost everything i said. Damn. Why the hell i said like that? Frequently playing in my head every night. That is why i chose to be silent.
Then again, i am so grateful those i called friends, truly understand me. I don't know how. They see right through me. Whenever i said nasty words when i really shouldn't have said it. They just laughed it off. Giving me answers as if they knew what i really meant.
Even though, we barely have chances to hang out together like before, we always be within each others reach. Hence, my gratefulness as having great friends like them are beyond words. Is this what is called love? Then, yeah i do love them. chuu~

ps: i can write honestly but hardly say honestly. Lucky i have blog, isn't it?
3 chiLLin':
kwn cm sy best x??hihihi
saya best tak?
@aikal: opcoz la aikal best! nadia jeles ngan aikal sebenarnya... hehe
@abdul qaiyum: anda?? ye best juga wpun tak berapa kenal secara realitinya.. fufuu~..
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